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A before and after study on the effect of fetal acoustic stimulation test on non stress test parameters

Catherine Rose DG. Dela Rosa, MD; Brenda Bernadette P. Bautista-Zamora, MD, FPOGS, FPSMFM
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Delos Santos Medical Center

Objective: To determine the effect of Fetal Acoustic Stimulation Test on Non Stress Test Parameters

Methods: A total of 650 subjects (power of 80%) were enrolled. Subjects were both high risk and non high risk pregnancies, at more than 36 weeks AOG with normal AFI. All subjects underwent non stress test followed by non stress test with acoustic stimulation test for minimum of 20-40 minutes. Once consent was obtained, a low frequency sound transducer (40 hertz) was applied on the maternal abdomen to provide acoustic stimulation. The data was gathered, analyzed and compared.

Results: Acoustic Stimulation Test improved the results of NST by having reactive results, longer duration accelerations, improved variability from minimal to moderate variability, and increased number of fetal movement.

Conclusion: AST is not a standalone procedure but merely an adjunct to other antenatal tests for fetal surveillance such as BPS and Doppler.